Six by Sixteen
There's a very clear link between healthy eating habits and lifelong health. Six by Sixteen wants to ensure the next generation knows how to make healthy, nutritious food choices. That's food literacy. Six by Sixteen will help young people learn to plan and prepare six nutritious, locally sourced meals by the time they are sixteen years old.
Feeding Your Future
Feeding Your Future works to connect agri-food employers to current job seekers, to help fill the labour shortage within Ontario agriculture, now and into the future. Through a job matching concierge service, free virtual career fairs, a webinar series and specialized training opportunities, this project is rapidly developing a support system for employers, while creating new job prospects for Ontarians.
Farm and Food Care Ontario
Farm & Food Care Ontario is a registered Canadian charity and whole-sector coalition made up of representatives from all farming types and associated businesses and positions itself as the helpful expert on Ontario agriculture. Farm & Food Care Ontario brings farmers, agricultural professionals, related businesses, government organizations and other groups together with a mandate to build public trust in food and farming in Ontario and across Canada.